


Oct. 28 Bred Ewe Sale

January 18th – Modesto, CA

Click Here To View Sale Site

Free delivery availble along I-40 on our return trip to Kansas, then to Indianapolis, IN the week of January 20! Call Joe for more details. 402-278-0202

"BEAR" Hobbs 25089

Lot 19
“BEAR” Hobbs 25089
Sire: Azul (Truce x Ms Priss)
Dam: “Charlie” Hobbs 23391 (How High x Say When)
DOB: Mid October
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Ram/Wether
Dwarf Test: QRFD

“BEAR” has quickly become a farm favorite. In the early days he was the hampy, wild shaped buck lamb in pen 1. Now he’s the bold, burley, well made, masculine creature we’ve been looking forward to hauling to the SNL for months! He’s a great fit if you need a high end wether, but has the body, rump, and touch of a stud buck that can make dramatic change to the next generation. His mom, “Charlie,” has quickly become one of our most elite donors. She was Champion Hamp at The Show for Kendall Rosen in 2023. “Bear” and his flushmates are the first set we’ve had out of her. The group also included two highlight ewe lambs from our first online sale and two we’ll hang onto, all will hopefully pop up in front of plenty of backdrops this summer! Just like his sire “Azul,” last year’s high seller and pick of the sale at the SNL, we think there could be significant value in keeping him intact, and wish to retain the opportunity to breed to him if the buyer chooses to go that direction. We feel like “Bear’s” combination of width, muscle shape, rib design, and balance is not something you stumble upon often! If you’re not able to be at the sale in person please reach out to discuss this unique stud prospect!

Special Terms:
Eligible for THE SHOW – Reno, NV June 2025, If he remains intact seller retains the right to enough fresh cooled or frozen semen to breed 30 ewes per year.

Tres Amigos




Hobbs 25023

Lot 20
Hobbs 25023
Sire: Jordan (Truce x Quinn)
Dam: “Gabby” Hobbs 23228 (Big City x Bullseye)
DOB: Mid October
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Ewe
Dwarf Test: QRFD

Every year we try to bring a ewe or two to the SNL that we think are a little extra special! The Lot 20 Jordan daughter is absolutely one of those! In fact I’ll be completely candid, if it wasn’t for the fact that we were trying to highlight what Jordan can do, there’s no chance this one gets in the trailer. This gal is very unique! High headed and flexible, with a wild cage and muscle shape, sitting on top of legs bigger than most 140 pound wethers! She and her flushmates are the first set out of “Gabby,” and it would apear she tends to make smokers. One of her sisters was the high seller on our fallborn online sale a month ago, and her half sib December sheep are some of the favorites back at home. This ewe line is no stranger to winning banners or donor pens. Come see her in Modesto, or call to visit about one we’re very proud of!

Special Terms:
Eligible for THE SHOW – Reno, NV June 2025

Tres Amigos


Hobbs 25030

Lot 21
Hobbs 25030
Sire: Jordan (Truce x Quinn)
Dam: “Beaman” Hobbs 21256 (Beaman x Lobo)
DOB: Mid October
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Ewe
Dwarf Test: QRFD

Lot 21 is another class act out of Jordan! Tremendous width, rib, and build, with gobs of muscle shape tripping off her! This is your summer jackpot show ewe delux, from one of our most proven producers! The Beaman ewe also raised “Baby,” our high selling ewe from the 2023 SNL. There was an awesome set of these Jordan x Beaman deals in October, so I convinced myself to let another stunner go!

Special Terms:
Eligible for THE SHOW – Reno, NV June 2025

Tres Amigos


Hobbs 25066

Lot 22
Hobbs 25066
Sire: Walk This Way
Dam: “Tammy” Hobbs 20230 (Bullseye x Centerfold)
DOB: Mid October
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Ewe
Dwarf Test: RRFD

This Walk this way ewe if a fancy rig! She gets more sleak, and and lighter featured by the day! Her elite neck, shoulder, back shape and skin scream high end show ewe! Her mother has been one of our top end donors for YEARS! On top of being one of the very best show ewes I think we’ve ever made. Her set out of Walk was big and very deep on the female side, so we decided to offer one off the top end at the SNL!

Special Terms:
Eligible for THE SHOW – Reno, NV June 2025

Tres Amigos
Hobbs 25037

Lot 23
Hobbs 25037
Sire: Azul (Truce x Ms Priss)
Dam: “Charlie” Hobbs 23391 (How High x Say When)
DOB: Mid October
Breed: Crossbred
Sex: Ewe
Dwarf Test: QRFD

This Azul has all the makings of a great addition to the show pen, and long term a tremendous producer. Nice build, smooth contours, big big rib and muscle shape! Her mom and grandma were former champions themselves, the ewe family goes back to a Bullseye from Shroyer that’s earned OG status around here!

Special Terms:
Eligible for THE SHOW – Reno, NV June 2025

Tres Amigos




Hobbs 25002

Lot 24
Hobbs 25002
Sire: Jordan (Truce x Quinn)
Dam: Hobbs 22312 (Thunder x Lobo)
DOB: Mid October
Breed: Natural
Sex: Ewe
Dwarf Test: QRFD

We think this blue Jordan ewe is a BIG TIME show prospect! Way shallow and exotic, but still huge backed and monster hipped! She literally gets better every day! She’s the second lamb out of a young Thunder ewe that’s put one in the keeper pen already. Mom is likely headed to our donor group, if you’re in the market for one to show that deserves to be flushed down the road I’d study this one a while!

Special Terms:
Eligible for THE SHOW – Reno, NV June 2025

Tres Amigos


Hobbs 25012

Lot 25
Hobbs 25012
Sire: Jordan (Truce x Quinn)
Dam: Diamond C 2321 (Makin Waves)
DOB: Mid October
Breed: Natural
Sex: Wether

This Jordan wether his all the right parts to ring the bell at a big show down the road! Great looking, big legs, and a mean touch! He wasn’t anywhere close to fleshy enough to picture for our online sale, and hauling him to California is still a stretch, but we wanted to take the chance to put him in front of a crowd because we think he’s pretty special!

Special Terms:
Eligible for THE SHOW – Reno, NV June 2025

Tres Amigos


Hobbs 25032

Lot 26
Hobbs 25032
Sire: Azul (Truce x Ms Priss)
Dam: “Quinn” Hobbs 22154 (Saban x Crow)
DOB: Mid October
Breed: Natural
Sex: Wether

Here’s a little natural fella we really think will impress you in person. One of the rare kind that photos well, and hits you over the head with shape when you see him live. His back and rump are perfect in their design, he’s the youthful, moderate kind that will feed forever. He’ll have great days as a show sheep well past 12 months of age! He’s out of Jordan’s mom, we’d been looking forward to running this mating to Azul and she knocked it out of the park. This has been my favorite all along.

Special Terms:
Eligible for THE SHOW – Reno, NV June 2025

Tres Amigos




 2024 Sales Schedule

April 16th

February Flush
All Males
Online Sale

April 19th

Corp Sale
Chickasha, OK

April 20th

Dynamic Divas
El Reno, OK

May 18th

Young Guns
San Angelo, TX

May 24th – 25th

The Party – Genetic Event
Newton, KS

May 24th & 25th

The Party Genetic Event, Newton, KS