Our Champions 2020 Champions Reserve Grand Champion Hampshire Ewe N.A.I.L.E. Sired by Rank Shown By Garrett Boone Sold online in our Annual Production Sale. Reserve Grand Champion Commercial EweN.A.I.L.E. Sired by Bullseye Shown By Ally Sandy Placed By Nathan Grand Champion Market LambDinosaur Valley Jackpot Show Sired by BullseyeShown by Liv Sandy Grand Champion Market LambSmall Town Showdown (TX) Sired by LoboShown by Nava Family Grand Champion Wether DamMississippi Youth Expo Sired by BullseyeShown by Ally Sandy Grand Champion Market LambSHSU Sigma Alpha Winter Blowout (TX) Sired by Lobo Shown by Trinity Brandum Popular Class WinnerAmerican Royal Sired by BullseyeShown by Clayton WashmonPlaced by JPSS and Sager 3rd Overall Market LambHolly Jolly Jackpot Sired by LoboShown by Rose DaviesPlaced by Shellhouse Reserve Champion Overall, Ring B North Texas Fall Buckle Show Down Sired by BullseyeShown By Connally TwinsPlaced By Pruitt Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb Reserve Grand Champion Breeding Ewe 3rd Overall Breeding EweLarimer County Expo (CO) Shown Sandy Family Grand Champion EweKossuth County, IA Sired by BullseyeShown by Maegan Schorpp Reserve Champion Breeding Ewe North Central Iowa Showdown Sired by BullseyeShown by Maegan Schorpp Grand & Reserve Grand ChampionCrawford County (KS) Sired by Lobo & MaverickShown by Harris Family Reserve Grand ChampionTri-State Royal Sired by LoboShown by Brynn Boggs 2nd Place Class 32American Royal Sired by LoboShown by Bailey Anderson Grand Champion Columbia County Fair (AR) Sired by Maverick Shown by Tatum Carter Placed by Pruitt Heavy Weight Class WinnerArkansas State Fair Sired By MaverickShown by Tatum CarterPlaced by Puritt Class WinnerSale QualifierColorado State Fair Sired by BullseyeShown by Sandy Family Grand ChampionBring on the Heat (GA) Sired by LoboShown by DC BurkePlaced by JPSS Champion Division 4Mississippi State Fair Sired by LoboShown by Hayden KilgoreSold @ The BreakOut Champion SpeckleKey Baptist Jackpot – OK Sired by Road RageShown by Jessie Chancellor Grand Champion Market Lamb Virginia State Fair Sired by MaverickShown by Chet Boden 3rd Overall Market Lamb Virginia State Fair Sired by Maverick Shown by 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Montana Royal Sired by Lobo Shown by Mason Calhoun Owned by Gold Standard Livestock Champion Speckle Summer Sizzler, OK Sired by Road Rage Shown by Jesse Chancellor Grand Market Lamb Butler County, KS Northwest Junior Livestock Expo Show D Shown by Erin Johnson Supreme Ewe Wabash County, IN Sired by Bullseye Shown by Chayene Tennant Placed by KWL 3rd Overall Market Lamb Northwest Junior Livestock Expo Show D Sired by Road Rage Shown by Lexi Hunt 4th Overall Market Lamb Champion Natural Northwest Junior Livestock Expo Show D Sired by Lobo Shown by Tessa Tomlinson Placed by KWL 3rd Overall Breeding Ewe Reserve Blackface Ewe Northwest Junior Livestock Expo Show D Sired by Rank Shown by Bailey Anderson Grand Champion Market Lamb Champion Blackface Northwest Junior Livestock Show C Sired by Road Rage Shown by Lexi Hunt 3rd Overall Market Lamb Champion Natural Northwest Junior Livestock Show C Sired by Lobo Shown by Tessa Tomlinson Placed by KWL 3rd Overall Market Lamb Champion Natural Northwest Junior Livestock Show B Sired by Lobo Shown by Tessa Tomlinson Placed by KWL Grand Champion Breeding Ewe Northwest Junior Livestock Expo Show B Sired by Rank Shown by Bailey Anderson Reserve Grand Champion Buckeye Livestock Expo Sired by Maverick Shown by Ashlyn O’Brien Placed by Tuck Brothers Reserve Division 2 San Antonio Stock Show Sired by Lobo Shown by Laura Tucker Placed by Hill/Walker Reserve Supreme Ewe Northern Exposure Sired by Rank Shown by Bailey Anderson Reserve Grand Champion Utah Basin Junior Livestock Show Sired by Road Rage Shown by Grady Jackson Reserve Champion Florida State Fair Reserve Prospect Northern Exposure Show C Sired by Lobo Shown by Ramsey Wilfong 4th Overall Market Lamb Shipshewana Jackpot Show A Sired by Maverick Shown by Ashlyn O’Brien Supreme Champion Ewe Kootenai Classic (ID) Sired by Rank Shown by Bailey Anderson Reserve Champion MBI Moormans Virtual Champion WBI Virtual Lamb Slam Sired by Road Rage Shown by Lacy Conlan 3rd Overall Queen City Jackpot Sired by Road Rage Shown by Corbin Walkup Reserve Grand Champion Quarantined Classic Jackpot (WY) Sired by Bullseye Shown by Chloe Sandy Reserve Champion WFX Many Virtual Online Shows Sired by Road Rage Shown by Lacy Conlan Sold in Saturday Night Live Sale 4th Overall WBI Ewe Divas in the Dark Sired by Road Rage Shown by Lacy Conlan 3rd Overall WBI Ewe Sired by Road Rage Shown by Corbin Walkup 3rd Overall WBI Ewe Bates County Jackpot Sired by Road Rage Shown by Corbin Walkup Reserve WBI The Virtual Battle Sired by Road Rage Shown by Lacy Conlan Reserve WBI Ewe The Virtual Battle Sired by Road Rage Shown by Lacy Conlan Reserve Grand Ewe Jackson County Spring Show (KS) Sired by Maverick Shown by Emery Yoho Placed by KWL 5th Overall Market Lamb Jackson County Spring Show (KS) Sired by Maverick Shown by Emery Yoho Placed by KWL Champion Lightweight Progress Summetime Jackpot (AZ) Sired by Lobo 3rd Overall Market Lamb Reserve Hamp Jackson County Showdown Sired by Lobo Shown by Chaynee Tennant Placed by KWL 3rd Overall Market Lamb Champion Hamp Converse Open Show Sired by Lobo Shown by Chaynee Tennant Placed by KWL 3rd Overall Market Lamb Wabaunsee Livestock Show (KS) Sired by Maverick Shown by Dressler Family Placed by Diamond C Reserve Grand Market Lamb Laramie County WY Jackpot Sired by Bullseye Shown by Chloe Sandy Grand Champion Ewe Laramie County WY Jackpot Sired by Bullseye Shown by Ally Sandy Reserve Grand Ewe Laramie County WY Jackpot Sired by Maverick Shown by Chloe Sandy Reserve Grand Champion I-80 Jackpot (VA) Sired by Maverick Shown by Ryan Borer FollowFollowFollow JOE & MEGAN HOBBS 7428 NW 12th, Newton, KS 67114 Joe 402.278.0202 Megan 405.612.8650Leo Vega 832-560-6378 hobbsshowlambs@yahoo.com Web Design by Novel Designs - Featured on Championdrive.com